Saturday, August 25, 2012

This Will Happen

Everyone sets goals for themselves every once in a while. Last year was no exception for me, and neither is this year. The difference between last year and this year is that I WILL make the goals I set for myself a reality.

 Losing weight is high on my list this year, as it was last year. I didn't push myself hard enough into keeping with it, but this year I will make my goal weight. Each post I do I will keep you updated on my progress, and hopefully by the time school is over I will have reached my goal weight, but we shall see.

I have more goals like raising my GPA, being less judgemental, toning down my road rage (we'll see about that one), and trying to cut down on my cussing (I throw the f-bomb around like a sailor). Those will get accomplished as well this year, I can guarantee you that my friends.

Sleep well everyone....Until next time...Remember, no goal is too far, or too hard to reach. If you want it enough, and believe in yourself, you can reach it.

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